Saemaul Indonesia Globalization Foundation (YGSI) Reviews Maggot Cultivation and Waste Processing at PIAT UGM

The Center for Agrotechnology Innovation (PIAT) UGM again received a visit on Monday (9/3). The visit was from representatives of the Subang Saemaul Indonesia Globalization Foundation (YGSI) Chapter. This foundation is a non-profit organization based in the UGM Faculty of Philosophy with an orientation towards community empowerment. The foundation is engaged by getting funding from the Saemaul Globalization Foundation, South Korea.

The morning visit was carried out by directly visiting and learning about maggot cultivation and waste processing at the Recycling Innovation House (Rindu). Later, maggot which is a larval type of maggot from the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) flies became the new belle. This stems from research findings that reveal that maggot has a high protein source so that its prestige is on the rise among farmers and among the public. This is also part of the background for YGSI’s visits. read more